Graphics on our websites

Creating websites

Anyone who thinks about creating your own website is at the beginning of the same problem. How is it to look like. We do not know how the graphic side of our website should look like, what elements have, what color is dominant.

This is really a difficult thing, because it is often the first choice of colors on our website base our whole approach to the site and new elements that will be placed should match the selected color page.

So, what to look for when choosing graphics and colors website.

I say, guided by their own feeling, it should be an essential element. Think of how we would like to make our side look. Then skorygujmy it with what we do, what we want page. Is this color represents the industry, for whom we website.

I will give some examples.
For the party for men with tools for auto repair we should not give the sharp color in various shades of pink or the like. This will deter our potential visitors, customers.

For an Internet blog for women cosmetics will be the best bright colors, with lots of photos. From my experience I know that women like it and prefer to visit such websites than pages without graphics, which is dominated by dark colors.

Of course, much depends on us, but in my view, that should be dopiera colors for web pages, or our feelings in conjunction with industry and subject matter of our website.

Soon another entry, yet do not really know what will be, but certainly will apply also to create websites, but I do not know that the issues raised.

Satisfaction with our work

blogging job web graphics

As I said, I have always been interested in computer graphics, which caused that deals with creating web pages. Mainly responsible for creating websites for small consumers, ie owners of small sites ranging from blogs, small business sites or online stores.

Thanks pursues his passions, his road career, and nowadays you can often work where we do not want. Jobs simply often does not bring us pleasure. Fortunately, I went such a way that my job was also my passion, so I am fully satisfied. This is in my opinion an important thing.

Often, because watching people who do what you do not like and are not fully satisfied with their lives. Just match and we live only once.

Therefore, I advise everyone, work where you will make you feel good. Money is not everything and you may find that the work is not enough, that does not make you pleasure, will be for you a real chore.

Nothing pretty about me for a moment on the blog entry appears on a web graphics.

Welcome to the blog.


Welcome to my blog online, which touch on several issues that are of my interest, and relate mainly to web graphics, computer graphics. Since I can remember in the context of my interests it is precisely the computer graphics and so I’m going to share some information on the subject.

In this blog I will not promote their services, but of course if someone wanted to use them will be happy to take care of its direction and create a true masterpiece. In any case, I invite you to read and I hope that the information contained herein does not help one person to make the right decisions.